Space Heater Safety
It is that time of the year again, that the temperatures start to fall, and the weather turns cold and families start to use multiple types of options to keep their houses or business areas warm. A few options that some people pick to heat their homes with is a portable space heater. Every year there are stories of homes burning down due to mishandling and misuse of portable or space heaters.
From 2013 to 2015 an estimated 45,900 heating fires in homes were reported to fire departments throughout the United States, causing an estimated 205 deaths, 725 injuries, and $506 million in property loss (National Fire Data Center, 2016). Space heaters are responsible for 30% of heater fires, cause 70% of the deaths. Improper use and malfunctioning or improperly installed outlets can easily help start that fire. So lets stay safe and follow a few rules!
• Purchase a heater with the seal of a qualified
testing laboratory.
• Make sure the outlet you are using is rated for a space heater
• Keep the heater at least 3 feet away
from anything that can burn, including people.
• Choose a heater with a thermostat and overheat
• Place the heater on a solid, flat surface.
• Make sure your heater has an auto shut-off to turn
the heater off if it tips over.
• Keep space heaters out of the way of foot traffic.
Never block an exit.
• Keep children away from the space heater.
• Plug the heater directly into the wall outlet.
Never use an extension cord.
• Space heaters should be turned off and
unplugged when you leave the room or go to bed.